About Us
Who are the hosts of Burnout Banter?
Jeff Visnic
Certified Fearless Living Coach & Principal Engineer
Jeff Visnic is a Certified Fearless Living Coach and Trainer, and founder
of Reclamation Collaborative. Having spent almost 25 years working in
the construction industry, he has witnessed and experienced firsthand
the impact your job can have on the other areas of your life if you don’t
vigilantly protect them. He provides the skills and tools people need
to identify the elements of their lives that are most important and the
support and accountability to help them live the life they want without
sacrifice and regret.
Jeff has presented at numerous conferences about many of the ways fear
shows up in the construction industry.
Rachelle Ray
Proposal Management & AEC Marketing Consultant
Rachelle has been an AEC marketer for more than fifteen years.
Having battled burnout at various stages of her career, Rachelle has
become a passionate advocate for marketing education, increasing
process efficiency, and facilitating conversations between proposal
professionals and technical staff. She works with individuals and
teams to identify opportunities to improve their marketing efforts,
increase communication, and ensure pursuits are given adequate
resources in order to prevent staff burnout.
Rachelle has presented at numerous industry conferences and
webinars on a variety of marketing, proposal, and communication